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Monday 19 December 2016

Las Posadas: MISSING!

Hi Richard,
> Just about to message Harriett I'm afraid we haven't received them!
> I understood they were being brought to our cubs party last night,
> Regards Jay,

Dear Jamie
I was beginning to think that Mary had been rushed to the maternity unit  in Dorchester Hospital but apparently she spent the night in the back of someone's car, consequently hungry when they arrived. They watched the final of Strictly whilst we prepared something to eat.
Come to think of it, it's a good job that Mary didn't need to go to hospital otherwise Christmas Day might have been changed to the 16th December - that would upset the Christmas story, not to mention the shopkeepers!
Thanks for contacting the tour operator.
Best wishes
Richard Marchant

This was the panic this weekend - the travellers were last spotted enjoying the school end of term service but where did they go from there?!! Eventually the tour operated tracked them down and sent them off to their correct destination. A little ruffled, no doubt, but they seem to have quickly settled in with their new hosts.

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