Charity Christmas Tree Festival
St James Church
Milton Abbas
Saturday 12 December 2015 until 6 January 2016
Family Carol Service - Sat. 12 at 5.00 pm
Mulled wine & mince pies
Please do join us and make this sparkling event which
introduces the true spirit of Christmas
to the village and our visitors.
The theme this year is 'Ancient Trades or Crafts'. Tree height between 3 ft and 5 ft either real or artificial. Decoration will take place on Wednesday 9, Thursday 10 and Friday 11 any time from 9.30 am - 7.00 pm. If you would like to put lights on your tree please bring an extension lead.
This is an opportunity for people to show the theme in an imaginative and festive way and be part of a unique mixture of heritage, community expression and fun. During the festival the public will be invited to wander through the forest of decorated trees and soak up the festive atmosphere.
The event is being jointly organised by the PCC and Unity-Joy Dale, and the funds raised will be donated to charity. We are looking for families, individuals and organisations to support the event by decorating a tree in the church. There will be a charge of £5 to cover the cost of electricity used during the festival. If you would like to contribute please contact Unity on 01258 880240
Warm wishes
Unity-Joy Dale

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