The service began in darkness and with a reading from Isaiah 43:1-3a,6b-7. We all sang the Taize chant 'Veni sancta Spiritus' as Genesis1:1-3 was read. It was all very atmospheric. After the candidates for baptism and confirmation were presented, they moved to the magnificent font where the baptisms took place. Everyone then moved on towards the spire crossing where those to be confirmed were presented to one of the three bishops.The congregation was encouraged to move through the cathedral with the clergy and candidates.
At the end of the service the west end doors were opened and everyone followed the Bishops outside onto the steps of the cathedral. The night was clear and dry and there were distant fireworks exploding into the sky. Here we were able to group with all the people who had come to support from the Benefice - what a great turn out!
I think everyone would agree it had been a wonderful service.

One added bonus - Alan and I, Richard and Tina - were some of the last to leave through the open West Doors - it was awesome to stand in the empty cathedral!
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