As the Christmas Tree Festival in St James Church last year was so successful, we are pleased to announce that we will be holding another event this year beginning Saturday 13 December and continuing through until 6 January 2015. The theme this year is'Peace'. You are asked to choose a poem or song about peace and display it with your tree.

It is a great chance for sponsors to show the theme in an imaginative and festive way and be a part of a unique mixture of heritage, community expression and fun. During the festival and throughout the Christmas period, the public will be invited to wander through the forest of decorated trees and soak up the festive atmosphere.
Families, individuals and organisations are invited to support this sparkling event by providing a tree in the Church either artificial or real and decorating it in keeping with this year's theme of 'peace' together with an appropriate poem or song. There will be a charge of £5.00 to cover the cost of the extra electricity used during that period. Please contact Unity on 01258 880240 or for further information.
Warm wishes
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