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Tuesday 9 September 2014

A Very Happy Baptism

Amelia's Baptism at St James Milton Abbas on Sunday 7th September

Well that’s it - summer is over! – The fetes and summer shows are over, cream teas are ending, the trees are getting ready for their autumnal display of colours, lights have to be turned on in the evening and we are greeted by mist and fog first thing in the morning. Officially we won’t be in that season ‘of mists and mellow fruitfulness’, as described by John Keats, until the 23rd September – the day of the autumnal equinox but we all can feel the change in temperature. I have had a wonderful summer season of weddings and celebrating new beginnings for young couples.  It would be very easy to think that that’s it for the year, - the best is over. However, this is not the case because, as I head into September, I am excited for the school children as they return to school for the new school year or for their first ever school year! The Dunbury Church of England Academy has a new Head Teacher – Mr Ben Barker, and I bet he is as excited about the new school year as all the new children. And I am excited because for the first three Sundays in September, there are young children being brought to church to be baptised. Their baptisms mark the beginning of their Christian life.
As autumn approaches, we need to stay alert to all the new opportunities around us.
Blessings  Alan

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