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Wednesday 12 March 2014

2014 Lent course up and running

WOW! This is the first session of the benefice Lent course which took place this evening at Whatcombe House. Thank you Piers and Charlotte for hosting the 2014 course - and thank you Jimmy, for leading this thought provoking course.


  1. We definitely need you in the next pic, Harriet!

    1. I'm better behind the lens than in front of it!

  2. I'm reading Ten - why chrIstianity makes sense by John Pritchard - and after last night's session, I found it even more engaging.
    ' The Kingdom of God isn't competitive, it's collaborative. It's a way of life in which your welfare is my concern, and mine is yours. In this way we forge communities of grace, generosity, participation and mutuality. The local church is a laboratory for this kind of living. Often it fails, but the point for society to note is that it sticks to the task. Where else does that happen? It starts with trying to imitate a God who isn't competitive but is always collaborative.'
