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Tuesday 24 December 2013

Merry Christmas from the Diocese of Salisbury

In the Diocese of Salisbury this last year:
64,000 people attended services on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and tens of thousands more at Christmas services throughout December.
In our 452 parishes, there is a Christian presence in every community.
Over 2,000 people were baptised and 691 were confirmed (494 aged under 20).
150 examples or experiments in parishes with new forms of ministry for mission – including  70 Open the Book in schools; 44 with Messy Church;  20 Cafe Churches; 11 Breakfast Churches; 7 Pub Theology Groups; 5 benefices piloting Energising Local Ministry; and 2 Missional Communities.
42,000 children and young people attend 195 Church Schools and Academies.
Ofsted identified 90% of our Schools and Academies as ’good’ or ‘outstanding’.
We have 2,000 Church School Governors.
There are 370 licensed clergy, more than 20 years ago. They include 52 Curates in training posts.
We have 22 students in colleges and courses training for ordained ministry.
Our highly committed lay people include 871 Churchwardens, 882 PCC Secretaries and Treasurers, 202 Licensed Lay Ministers, 1,006 Lay Pastoral Assistants and 34,525 on parish church Electoral Rolls.

Thank you, and please forward our thanks and good wishes for Christmas and the new year to others in your church. We are all serving the God who comes among us in Jesus Christ renewing the hope of the world. 

May the joy of the angels,
the eagerness of the shepherds,
the perseverance of the wise men,
the obedience of Joseph and Mary,
and the peace of the Christ child
be yours this Christmas.
+Nicholas Sarum

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