
26th November
10.00am until 4.00pm
At Village Hall, Durweston,
DT11 0QA
Cost: £5.00 per person
(light lunch included)
Open to everyone
Guest Speaker: Alison Webster
Social Responsibility Adviser to the Oxford Diocese
Alison Webster is a writer, focusing on themes of
spirituality and social transformation. She is author of numerous resource
books that draw together social action and contemplation. She has a
longstanding interest in identity issues – particularly gender, race, sexuality
and disability, and is author of books on gender, sexuality, health and
wellbeing. Alison has worked for the
Student Christian Movement, the Institute for the Study of Christianity and
Sexuality and the Christian Socialist Movement. She now works as Social
Responsibility Adviser for the Church of England Diocese of Oxford. Her most recent book, on identity, is ‘You
Are Mine: Reflections on Who We Are’, SPCK, 2009. Alison is Chair of the UK-based international charity
Amaka Beautiful Child (ABC), empowering people through story-telling and the
arts. She is also author of ‘Found Wanting: Women, Christianity and Sexuality’
(Cassell 1995), and ‘Wellbeing’ (SCM Press, 2002). She is the founder editor of
two international journals, ‘Theology and Sexuality’ (Equinox) and ‘Political
Theology’ (Equinox).
Workshop Details
Workshop1 (13.30-14.30):
Dementia Friendly Churches. Facilitated by staff from PramaCare.
This workshop provides ideas for churches that
want to be truly welcoming and inclusive and are willing to take steps to
enable people with dementia to take a full part in worship and church life.
Workshop2 (13.30-14.30):
World Aware Churches: Facilitated by Elizabeth Perry. Former
Christian Aid area representative, this workshop will help local churches think
about how they engage with world development issues and relate to communities
around the world.
Workshop3 (15.00-16.00):
Gypsy and Traveller Friendly Churches: Facilitated by Adrian Brook.
appointed chaplain to Gypsies and Travellers, this workshop looks at how
churches can be places of welcome and generous advocates for people from our
travelling communities.
Workshop4 (15.00-16.00):
Community Oriented Churches:
Placing the local church at the heart of service
to the local community, this workshop looks at how we can develop creative
projects with local people to meet local needs.
Cost: £5.00 per person (light lunch included)
Contact The Sherborne Office
St Nicholas' Church Centre
30 Wareham Rd
Corfe Mullen
Dorset BH21 3LE
St Nicholas' Church Centre
30 Wareham Rd
Corfe Mullen
Dorset BH21 3LE
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